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By Stevie Matteo 02 Aug, 2023
How is everything going?? How are you doing with your transformation??? I truly hope it is not on hold because you have put it off..... TRUST ME, it is completely normal to hit speed bumps along the way. It is part of the process. And every time you get back up and dig deeper YOU ARE WINNING. It is not how many times your press reset. It is how many times you dig deeper to work on the habit that derailed you so you can go even further in the journey. However, if you are lacking the motivation and keep thinking of reasons why you should not be getting started (or pressing reset) LETS BREAK OUT OF THE RUT!!! CHANGE IS A GOOD THING!!I It is normal to want to stick with comfortable and be apprehensive to want to try something different. Coming up with excuses is not serving you!!! You do realize when you tell yourself I am going to start next monday, or after vacation or after the kids go back to school...your shifting responsibility to a "future you" but do not forget that person doesn't exist yet. Who the heck truly even knows what will be happening when you get back from vacation. ONLY THE NOW, TODAY, THIS VERY MINUTE...YOU is the one responsible and capable of starting (or restarting) this incredible and insanely worthwhile LIFESTYLE, started. THOUGH I WILL TELL YOU... I WOULD LOVE TO TELL MY "past me" they could've started sooner. It is better than you can imagine and has impacted my life in such an incredible way. I CAN NOT EVEN IMAGINE WHERE I WOULD BE IF I STARTED SOONER....I truly have no regrets. I am so happy how far I have come but I think you get what I am trying to tell you. Its overdue to get this amazing life started. NO ONE SAID YOU HAVE TO GET TO THE FINISH LINE TOMORROW> All you need to do is take one step. 1- set up a goal (pick one: start moving more, hydrating, working on sleep, eating cleaner. eating breakfast, add strength training...) 2- schedule it in 3- set up accountability (alarms, notes, sneakers by the door...) 4-come up with a fun reward to get things rolling 5-call me for awesome support, easier navigation and faster (long term) results Reclaiming your health, life and waistline is the sum of consistently taking steps IN THE PRESENT MOMENT!!! ---------------------------------------- GO DEEPER I have a fun mantra for my coaching clients. The first 3 letters are important The D is to drink a glass of water first or eat a cucumber or some watermelon Then the P-is to pause and pray GET FOCUSED R-REFLECT: why am I eating this (nourishment? boredom? stress) what impact will this make? How am I eating? (slow with purpose, sitting down?) THIS MAKES A BIGGER IMPACT THAN YOU REALIZE ON YOUR ABS, GUT HEALTH AND RESULTS!!!. RECIPE ALERT!!!! This oatmeal is packing a powerful ingredient – protein. Mix a scoop of your favorite protein powder into your oatmeal to transform it into a quick and healthy breakfast. What you need Servings: 1 1/3 cup whole grain oats 1 cup water dash of salt 1 scoop high-quality like grass fed, cold filtered Muscle CANdi​ 1 tablespoon chopped macadamia nuts 1 tablespoon flax seed 1 tablespoon golden raisins 1 tsp of vanilla or maple extract 1 tsp of CINNAMON Instructions 1. Mix the oats, water and salt together in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 2 to 4 minutes. 2. Stir in protein, top with nuts and raisins. Nutrition Perfect mac balanced breakfast One serving equals: 325 calories, 10.2g fiber, and 25.7g protein. YES U CAN In Health, COACH STEVIE 856-500-1465
By Stevie Matteo 13 Jul, 2023
Often my approach is more cheerleader but as a true coach, there are times I need you to trust me as I share some hard truths with you AS THEY ARE GOING TO SERIOUSLY HELP AND MOTIVATE YOU. Part of the journey is feeling better, getting healthier AND WORKING SMARTER NOT HARDER… getting off that hamster wheel. So this week I want to head you away from falling in to black hole traps that will be 10 steps back in your journey Blackhole #1: Starve Yourself Thin oohhhhh man I am not sure where this blackhole originated. It is serious, like super dangerous... and it is not effective We talked about this a little last week. Muscle is the premium fuel so your body will feed off the muscle first...the heart is a muscle. Yes!! Your will do damage to your heart But that is not all... remember THIS IS THE ANTI FLAT AB PROGRAM and will also do major damage to your metabolic system. What we didn't talk about is how many of my clients are exhausted trying to undue all the damage done to their bodies from these blackholes we are reviewing today Blackhole #2 - The magical …ceutical Your life is Uber hectic I get it. However, taking short cuts (in the form of a magic pill or injection- nutraceutical or pharmaceutical) STAY WITH ME HERE.. is going to get you deep in that blackhole The claims are compelling and even some primary care Dr's are pushing them. The "weight" your losing is often muscle, tissue and water NOT FAT!! No matter what buzz words they use. Science debunks their claims. They are not sustainable long term so you will struggle BIG TIME to keep the weight off So do you want to lose "weight" only for a short period of time at the cost of your health, metabolism and pocketbook Also promotes body inflammation which leads to auto immune diseases as well as encourages long term hormonal issues and insulin resistance. Two years out of college I was managing health events & at one such event I witness manufactures talk about the dangers of phen phen with EASE... they had insurance and their profits would far exceed any law suit payouts...needless to say I changed jobs Blackhole #3 : cheat days and other such BS I have been fed We all want our midsection to look toned as we stroll down the beach but the key is a consistent lifestyle change. We need to consistently choose healthy if that is what we want. And as you consistently dig deeper, experience awesome wins, and find cool new habits in this lifestyle. what happens if you are constantly putting the car in reverse...YOU DO NOT GET TO YOUR DESTINATION ​so please reconsider reverting back to the unhealthy lifestyle for vacations, holidays, setting up "cheat days" I feel its a blackhole to take on the approach that a healthier lifestyle is not awesome...i promise you, once you make the transformation, you will wonder why you ever chose the unhealthy life BLACKHOLE #4 load up on the prepackage diet foods I am sooo pleased with a new trend that is helping you get motivated to cook!!! It amazing when you have a little more control over what your putting in your body! Its also great for your metabolism, stress levels, pocketbook and cooking enhances your life. Skills in life happen from practice and education. SKILLS ENHANCE YOUR LIFE. (as a health & life coach you know I see the profound effects of adding systems and we are taking fast line to success Prepackage diets foods are not going to... and while we probably won't fall for nutrisystem anymore (holy heck I did in my "before CANdi" life and they tasted terrible too. Paid hundreds too. ) they are many prepackaged shakes, frozen meals... that may have more salt and sugar than those nutrisystem meals but they are far worse and often not even enough caloric Hidden Sugar is getting more and more "normal". Vitamins, toothpaste, salad dressing, veggies, AND dont get me started on the hummus I bought from Wegmans, THEY FOOLED ME. BLACKHOLE #5: CARBS The blackhole is when we put all carbs in one category and when we avoid them all together. QUALITY CARBS ARE ESSENTIAL!! (they are 1 of the 3 MACRO nutrients, meaning major!!) This is your grains, beans, sweet potatoes, fruits and veggies. These are not processed (bread, pasta, donuts are not exactly macronutrients...not sure if there are any nutrients but there's plenty of sugar for sure) Eat nutrient rich grains like oats, quinoa and brown rice around the time when you are most active and remember the average serving is about a 1/4-1/3 cup before prepared. GO TO TOWN ON much of your plate is filled with veggies...the goal is close to half!!! (TRUST ME IT TAKES TIME TO GET THERE but you really can) READY TO GET OUT OF THE BLACK HOLE AND MOTIVATED TO AVOID FALLING IN TO ANOTHER ONE Step One : Cut out the junk. The best way to do this is to start by purging your kitchen. Get rid of sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out don’t buy any more of it. Remember that your beach ready abs depend on what you eat – don’t eat junk! Step Two : Focus on whole foods. Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple. Step Three: Get a coach This is the most obvious step. Your so ready to transform your life and waistline. My clients succeed because of my passion and expertise with background in Life Coaching, Health Coaching AND Personal Training CLICK HERE TO CONTACT ME In Health, COACH STEVIE 856-500-1465 P.S. Write It Down Did you know that writing down your goals is one of the best ways to assure that you will meet them? Make the (healthy) habit to write down your fitness and weight loss goals and to update it periodically with your progress. Remember that the more specific your goals are the more likely you are to meet them. Instead of writing ‘I want to lose some weight’ make your goal more definite like: ‘I want to lose 15 pounds and fit into my size 8 pants’. PPS.Anytime of Day Omelet It’s healthy, tastes great, and is ready in just a few minutes—what more could you ask for in a breakfast? To make this scrumptious omelet a complete meal, serve it up with Ezikiel Toast with Coconut Oil and fresh fruit I understand some of my clients struggle to eat fish, Smoked Salmon is great to try and in this recipe it works great for beginners. Fish is such an important food to incorporate in to your diet What you need Servings: 2 1 cup egg whites ¼ cup nonfat cream cheese, softened 2 oz smoked salmon Garlic salt and pepper to taste Instructions 1. Whisk together the egg whites, cream cheese, garlic salt and pepper. Coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. Gently push the egg whites toward the center as they cook. 2. When the eggs are almost set, place the salmon on top. Cover the pan and cook for 30 additional seconds. Remove the lid and fold omelet in half. Cut in half and serve. Nutrition One serving equals 124 calories, 1.8g fat, 2.5g carbohydrate, and 22.65g protein
By Coach Stevie 07 Jul, 2023
DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FIRST THING I AM CONSTANTLY ASKED WHEN SOMEONE FIND OUT I AM A HEALTH COACH?? Hint: lately I have been getting that question more as it is time to put on the bathing suit I BET YOU WOULD WANT TO KNOW MY ANSWER TO : HOW TO FLATTEN YOUR BELLY. lol I love love helping women flatten their bellies THE HEALTHY WAY, tone up and start living their best life!!!! It is easier than you think...we need to simplify if it is going to be realistic to implement ---------- FLATTER ABS GAMECHANGER #1 : Dont drive without gas in the tank!!!! This one is HUGE!!!! You expect your metabolic system to work at full capacity after fasting all night?? If you do not put "gas" in the tank, your body : will feed off the muscle for energy will stay in conservation mode which is a slow metabolic system AND low energy will flood your body with hormones to tell you to eat but it will take your body a while to get those signals so maybe later in the afternoon you will feel the need to snack and finally when you do put gas in the tank, your body will STORE IT AS FAT ESPECIALLY IN YOUR MIDSECTION STARTING SMALL IS OK If you are not currently eating breakfast (as you may not feel hungry) after a few days increase AND you will notice your body now trusting you and taking the energy to throw out those hunger signals right on time If you are EATING BREAKFAST. Way to go. SEE IF YOU CAN TAKE IT UP A LEVEL focus on quality nutrient rich grain serving (1/4-1/3 c cup pre cooked) fruit or veggies good fat (2 tablespoons. that is 1 egg yoke keep in mind) PROTEIN (the star!!! at least 15 grams) 3 egg whites, protein powder or even try making CANdi FitFOODIE breakfast patties: ground chicken patties with sage and maple extract ​FLATTER ABS GAMECHANGER #2: Helllooooo nature's sweet Refined sugar does not pass goes directly to your abs Substitute sweet treats that contain white sugar, cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Consider these items ‘anti-flat-abs’. Refined sugars are highly addicting!! you can prepare yourself and grit down for three days of withdrawl or make a plan to slowly retrain your mind and make the switch. you know yourself best (just remember there will be withdrawal symptoms but they do not last forever AND when you put sugar back in, you start again so please be on guard Lilys chocolate chips, Hu Cookies, Smart Sweets are an awesome place to start. YES FRUIT IS NATURES CANDY and there will come a time where it can be dessert to you (the way it was intended) though I feel these better processed treats help you gain traction with your goals ideally you want to look for wholesome sweeteners such as pure maple syrup, brown rice syrup or dates. Stevia, allulose and monk fruit are a good place to start. FLATTER ABS GAMECHANGER #3 : USE IT DO NOT STORE IT!!!​ This is such a simple and effective way to lose fat: Do not eat 3 hours before bed so you can USE up the fuel in your tank NOT STORE IT Eat dinner earlier if you can. Also try to have lighter dinners!!! higher in veggies and lower in nutrient rich grains. Change your evening routine. If you’ve always ended your day watching your favorite shows with your hand in the snack bowl, then now is the time to change things up. Find activities that don’t revolve around food and stick with those. Walking, epsom salt baths are super activities that promote healthy lifestyle, sleep and weight loss!!!! and FEEL SOOOO GOOD long term Make it a habit. The first few weeks will be the hardest, but soon your new routine will feel normal. Brush your teeth earlier. Once your teeth are brushed, you’ve put a period to the end of your consumption for the day. ​AWESOME COMPLIMENT TO CHANGING HABITS is having a killer coach motivate, educate and help your along the way AND the even better news IT IS FREE!!!If you haven't registered yet for our FREE 7 VIRTUAL 14 Day Boost CLICK HERE AND GET REGISTERED!! It will fit in to your HECTIC LIFE FLATTER ABS GAMECHANGER #4 : Well helloooo FIBER Most people simply do not get enough fiber. Fiber is essential when it comes to getting lean since it is low calorie while filling you up. AND IT HELPS clean out the belly bloat LITERALLY. Instead of seeing salad just as a side item, make salads into meals. Add protein to a large pile of greens for a guiltless meal. *Try the recipe for Santa Fe Salmon Salad below. (yes the salmon can be swamped but bonus #8 omega fish oils aid in reducing body fat especially in your mid section) Make veggies a part of every meal. The benefits of eating more vegetables are too numerous to list; just know that your body will become healthier and leaner with each fibrous bite. Beans really don't taste that bad. Start with hummus or even mash your beans with seasoning. Ideally you want to break down a whole bean but start where you are at You can also start with a tablespoon and work your way up to a 1/4 cup FLATTER ABS GAMECHANGER #5 : Do not get YOUR BODY stuff from facebook marketplace​ Marketplace is good for the household but Go first rate HIGH QUALITY organic and quality REAL FOOD for your body​ Whole real food are less likely to be stored as fat than processed !!! Going organic is going to reduce body inflammation, bloat and helps your metabolism run more efficiently Start with finding better options for your bread, pizza and pasta. And I don't mean eating caulipower pizza every night and gluten free bread. All bread has a ton of sugar anymore and pizza should be an occasional treat. Try zuchinni or portebella topped with marinara and parm cheese FLATTER ABS GAMECHANGER #6: Your a houseplant with complicated emotions ​ Drinking plenty of water is another extremely simple way to promote fat loss. Chronic dehydration leads to false hunger signals and unnecessary calorie consumption. Drink a large glass of water before each meal. This will prevent overeating. DRINKING A GLASS WHEN U WAKE UP IS CRAZY ENERGIZING Look for ph balanced water to increase taste and try lemon or adding a splash of sparkling naturally flavored water to your glass of water ummmmmm sugar-filled sodas and juices are a huge weight-gain trap. Carry a water bottle with you throughout your day. Keep water in the car and at your desk for constant hydration .eat salad, watermelon and cucumber (I actually made a feta, balsamic, mint, watermelon, white bean and chicken salad for lunch this week .yummy!!! ​FLATTER ABS GAMECHANGER #7 : Do not underestimate the flattening power of a healthy gut!!! Kombucha, kimchi, saukeraut all have awesome probiotic power to strengthen your microbial barrier in your gut which reduces bloat while increasing your immune system. ​ And be sure to check out the new Kevita mojito refresher with the awesome kefir probiotic. NOTE many kevita beverages have added sugar. THIS ONE DOES NOT. It it low calorie and sweetened with stevia. ----- Eating right, coupled with challenging yourself to maximize workouts, is the formula for a toned, lean body AND YES ABS—so guarantee your results by teaming up with me. GET THE FLAB OUT Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you promptly to your goals. Do not put off LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE and improving the quality of your life NOW text me 856=-500-1465 In Health COACH STEVIE P.S. Read the Back Label, Not the Front As a rule of thumb, never trust the claims on the front of a food package. Claims like: heart healthy, whole grains, or fiber-filled are never reason enough to purchase the item. You see, the absolute truth about a packaged food item is hidden in the ingredient list on the BACK label, not in the bold claims on the front. Scan that ingredient list for high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, sugar, and hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils. If the food contains these ingredients, then rest assured that it’s not healthy and should not be eaten. P.P.S. RECIPE ALERT: Santa Fe Salmon Salad ( Eating healthy does not need to be boring or taste bad) What you need Servings: 2 2 (3.5 oz) WILD CAUGHT salmon or cod filets Santa Fe seasoning blend (2 teaspoons cumin, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1 teaspoon dried oregano, 1 teaspoon thyme, 1/8 teaspoon clove, 1/8 teaspoon allspice, 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon) 4 cups romaine lettuce, chopped 3/4 c rinsed organic white beans ½ cup tomato, chopped ¼ cup corn kernels 1/8 cup canned red peppers, finely chopped ½ avocado, sliced This recipe is designed to be made for dinner Instructions 1. Coat the salmon filets with Santa Fe seasoning. On a pre-heated grill, cook for 8-10 minutes on each side, until flaky and cook all the way through. Remove from heat. 2. On 2 plates arrange a bed of lettuce, topped with half of the tomato, corn, cheese, peppers and avocado. Place the filet on top. 3. Drizzle olive oil, sprinkle more sante fee seasoning and a squeeze of lime (can also do a touch of honey if you are just starting your journey) Nutrition One serving equals: 321 calories
By Coach Stevie 16 Jun, 2023
As I am writing this I am laughing at myself: This weeks food prep was Greek Salad Bowls. I am really loving it BUT OF COURSE I DROPPED MY FORK. Dont judge me ( I am sore -NO REGRETS from yesterdays Cardio Hitt Boxing) BUT I did honestly have a moment of "what if I just wipe it off" ... followed by NO GIRLFRIEND - YOU DESERVE BETTER GETTING MY ARSE UP is what has gotten me this far AND it is crazy worth it. Funnier than the fork drop-I am getting hit on by much younger men ...I never got hit on when I was their age. lol. And they are quite shocked when I tell them my age. AND LET ME TELL YOU THERE is even so many more benefits to this lifestyle than looking younger!!! DO NOT FORGET I started my journey with a desire but overweight and definitely not an athlete. I did not step foot in to a gym until I was in my mid 20s and I fumbled. When I opened iCANdi I was a size 18 and was not yet a trainer but I knew something like our program NEEDED TO EXIST. THERE ARE 5 CORE PRINCIPALS I WANT TO SHARE IN THIS: LOOK AND FEEL AWESOME (LAFA) EDITION of weekly iCANdi Fit & Health Motivation ​Some of these I discovered on my own journey, and a few were straight from CANdis that have had the most insane transformations!!! LAFA #1: C..S.S...CY is the key I feel like I have shared this one a lot!!!! This is a transformation. Adapting in to a new lifestyle. Sure if will take time to change directions but the key is to keep heading on that FIT LIFE JOURNEY/LIFESTYLE. Even on vacation, when life gets hectic, ESPECIALLY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY.... seek consistency EVERY DAY and you WILL WIN!! LAFA (thats LOOK and FEEL Awesome) #2: LIKEABLE AND SUSTAINABLE Embrace the journey taking on step at a time and work on achieving one healthier habit at a time paves the way for LONG TERM SUCCESS. Keep the steps realistic too. If you love gummies, start the journey by switching to stevia sweetened gummies, (sometimes you may need to mix the two & GRADUALLY fo to the better choice as your palate changes) then take it up a level by spacing the days you have it a part and adding a fresh fruit salad in between. Allowing it to be likeable and a process will allow a pleasant transition. How do I get my kids to remember to take a magnesium supplement every night, it addition to by the toothbrush I found a no refined sugar gummy version. So they love it! If you need some ideas feel free to reach out to me, I’d be happy to help.​ LAFA #3: Just Do It ​FEAR IS A LIAR...often we can come up with many reasons why we can not choose fit & healthy. Oh I have to be at Saras BBQ at 1pm...take my mom to the Dr... Reframe your mindset to I can go late to the BBQ, I am going to ask my mom to check in with me before she books her appointment to work around my FITLIFE... (and be sure to ask Sara what kind of food shes is serving -see if you can bring a healthier snack or dessert and sometimes you may need to eat before) IT WILL BE SO WORTH IT... just a week later will it matter if you had that darn refined sugar brownie OR THAT YOU ARE LAFA and proud that you brought Stevies norefined sugar Black Bean CANdi Brownies Sometimes you may have to show up to workout late, or leave early or do virtual...KEEP PUSHING !!! NO MATTER WHAT LAFA #4: THIS LIFESTYLE IS WONDERFUL (full of peace, joy and SATISFACTION) It takes a hot minute to see all the amazing benefits of this lifestyle. I encourage you to really seeking out the wins and even write them down Set some rewards for yourself instead of living of life of instantly gratifying yourself bring joy to the experience. I know I talked about it in #3 but I do not want to also forget to mention that seeking activity you love is important. And do not be afraid to set a goal for these things you have always wanted to try and put yourself out there. We have a fun beginners kayaking experience set for July. We have goat yoga this month. More hikes, indoor rock climbing, a format kayaking adventure and much more. The first time i tried indoor rock climbing I got a few feet off that ground and had a great experience...I have been back a few times and now can get up the entire wall. TAKE THE PRESSURE OFF. Keep gravitating towards the good stuff ONE STEP AT A TIME **Note for those who STRONGLY DISLIKE WORKING OUT. It is a process and doing it with fun people helps BUT crazy enough as you stay consistent, and get stronger YOU WILL FIND IT BECOMES MORE LIKEABLE...thats where having a good reward and even starting slow (less weight, or doing virtual) may be helpful for the first two weeks LAFA #5: a COACH with a GUARENTEED Every one who has succeeded in life has made the smart move to get a coach!!! You probably do not even cut your own hair. I specialize in life, health and waistline transformations. Yes, I have the best job I get your budgeting vacations and fun for the summer but why not include YOUR health and life... a very worthwhile investment. Our 6 Week Personal On Demand Transformation Program is at YOUR PACE, RESULTS ARE GUARENTEED and I would like to extend a special $100 Gift Certificate to you to use towards this LIFE & WAIST CHANING PROGRAM. CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE INFO​ (& text me to register so I can apply the Gift Certificate) Don’t wait another minute! IT IS TIME TO LOOK AND FEEL AWESOME Yes u CAN!!! In Health, COACH STEVIE 856-500-1465 Bonus: LAFA #6 Don’t underestimate the power of social accountability in your quest for a better body. Find a friend with similar goals and make a pact that you’ll hold each other accountable. No one likes letting down their friends, and so you’ll show up to your workouts day after day, week after week! Put rewards in place to enjoy together as you and your workout friend begin to reach your transformation goals. ----------------- RECIPE Yout never fully dressed with out a SMILE and GOOD SALAD DRESSING. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha What you need Servings: 4 For the Salad Dressing: 3 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 Tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil 1 teaspoon coconut palm sugar or honey 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon chili garlic sauce Nutrition One serving equals: 67 calories, 5g fat, 5g carbohydrate, 282mg sodium, 2g fiber, and 2g protein.
By Stevie Matteo 07 Jun, 2023
STOP THE INSANITY Are you still wanting the day that you’ll be lean and fit? Do you tell yourself that you’ll start living healthy tomorrow? Or next week? After you’ve had just one more pizza dinner, after your scroll Facebook or that vacation…. Then you’ll commit yourself to eating healthy and exercising daily, right? It’s time to realize that this way of thinking is a sneaky little trap. One that has fooled all of us at some point. You see, when you put off healthy living to some designated day in the future, you’re putting the responsibility of action on your future self. Tricky, since your future self doesn’t even exist yet. Only you, in the present moment, are capable of making action happen. Being fit and lean is the result of thousands of healthy choices – all made in the present moment. ITS A LIFESTYLE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT AND STILL YOUR ACTIONS ARE NOT IN LINE WITH THAT LIFESTYLE NOT TOTALLY YOUR FAULT. So much marketing and misinformation out there. This is why God put me on this earth. What’s worse is those choices are making things harder, more stressful and more expensive for ourselves Listen, no hesitation, it’s time to start choosing the good life!! Give your future (fictional) self a break and start making real, tangible progress towards your goal – right now, in this moment. The key areas of focus are sleep, hydration, self care/stress reduction, move more, eat clean, healthy boundaries and systems. Pick one each week for the next few weeks and start digging deeper. Put it off and it will catch up to you? Want it more likeable and easier??? CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL ME NOW 856-500-1465 - No hesitation!!!! In health, Coach Stevie ----------------------------- Pay Attention When you are eating, pay attention. Sounds simple, but how often do you snack in front of the T.V. or eat your dinner while in rush hour traffic? Paying attention means eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full. It means never eating just to eat, but rather because your body needs it. Do this and you will quickly reach your ideal weight. ---------------------------------------- Have-Your-Chocolate Pudding As you work towards your best and healthy life goals, finding desserts that are low in natural sugars will facilitate your results. It will take some time for your taste buds to adjust from enjoying intense, refined sugars to appreciating the subtly and delight of natural, wholesome sugar found in fruit. This pudding is a spectacular way to enjoy creamy chocolate while avoiding refined sugars entirely. The avocado, banana and dates provide real, usable nutrients and vitamins while pleasing your sweet tooth. (I add cinnamon too) What you need Servings: 4 1 avocado, pitted and peeled 1banana, peeled 1/2 cup coconut milk 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3 dates, pitted 1 teaspoon lemon juice Instructions 1. Combine all of the ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor. Blend until creamy and smooth. Place in serving bowls and chill for 10 minutes. Serve and enjoy! Nutrition One serving equals: 228 calories, 17g fat, 16g carbohydrate, 26mg sodium, 7g sugar, 7g fiber, and 4g protein.
By Stevie Matteo 02 Jun, 2023
Ever peek at a reflection of yourself and feel a bit frusterated and confused about what went wrong??? I want to encourage you to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL AND I PROMISE YOU that if you soak in this awesome SHAPE UP GUIDE you will be well on your way to getting the FIT LIFE Let’s change your in-front-of-the-mirror thought bubble to: Wow, I’m looking amazing! by reading on and taking the action steps below. The beginning of the guide is to encourage you to reframe your thinking to positive vibes like I CAN DO THIS. I am ready to be fit and healthy. I am ready to feel great and be more confident. That is not as easy as it sounds to repeat day in and out BUT SOOO IMPORTANT!!! Start with Motivation: Set your focus and maybe even write it down. The finish line is a bit far off for a lifestyle change THOUGH THERE ARE PLENTY OF INCREDBILE WINS TO ENJOY STARTING YOUR FIRST WEEK (if you look for them - I dare you to write them down too, maybe even sign it) ​BUT there needs to be something serious to motivate you to show up EVERY DAY THIS IS INSANELY IMPORTANT AND POWERFUL!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU WANT LONG TERM RESULTS NOW!!! Very often scary news from the Dr is what drives my clients anymore. I truly hope it doesn't get to that point for you to find your motivation. ​I also recommend you -Sweeten the experience. If it's likeable your more likely to stick to it. So why not come up with some fun rewards for yourself along the way. Maybe put $ in an account for a new outfit or workout sneakers when you hit a clothing size lost, 5 days of fitness in a row, 3 weeks of food prepping in a row.... Next understand WHY: You need to eat right and workout smart in order to quickly achieve your goal body. Do you know how to do this? Are you sure? While there is more information on fitness available to us today than ever before, all of the information noise often gets in the way more than it helps. Don’t expect to know exactly how to get into shape by yourself. True success comes faster when you hire a coach to help you create and implement a plan. The key areas of focus that include in a plan with my client are: Focus on Macros, Hydration, EAT BREAKFAST, a more active lifestyle PLUS 2 HIIT classes, 1-2 flexibility and 2-3 Strength sessions a week PLUS of course stress management are all the foundational key areas of focus. GET SOME CHEERLEADERS: We have a few clients that I consider legends at our studio. Two of them have been consistently working out with me for almost two decades!!!! It has dramatically impacted their lives, health and so much more. THEY certainly have no regrets and LOOK AWESOME!!! If I asked them what I should put in to this guide, it would be to get a support system. In addition to a workout buddy, talk to your closest family and friends and ask for their support. Be as specific as possible as to why you are doing this and what you will need from them. Do you feel encouragement, check ins, doing activities with you, sharing recipes, measuring you... each of us are different so how we need support does vary. AND YES you may find one or more people in your life who are threatened by your desire to improve your body. Sometimes it is even subconscious. While this can be upsetting, try to approach it with understanding. The best scenario would be them joining you. But remember do not let som ONE OR THING hold you back...thats where having a coach to guide you makes all the difference iCANdi is currently offering our BI Annual Private Special Private Health Coaching is $75/week and Private Fitness Coaching is $50/week. Right now sessions are buy 2 GET 1 ABOSULETY FREE!!! You can buy up to 4 of each kind !!!! Sessions are good for 6 months!!!!! Call, Text me or Email Me to get this insane deal Warm regards. Coach Stevie 856-500-1465
By Stevie Matteo 25 May, 2023
How are we LESS THAN A WEEK FROM MEMORIAL DAY??? Wow, and it is getting harder to hide behind your clothes. AO STOP HIDING!!!! Here is iCANdi's official SUMMER no-fail fat loss GUIDE to get your transformation started!!!! 1) Go Gluten Free: Super charge fat loss with this easy and not too mention super smart move. American wheat is a hard wheat and is over processed PLUS contains some harsh pesticides outlawed in other countries. It is a bonus to cut those processed carbs and extra calories out but it also will lead to weight loss, LESS BLOATING ​The goal is grains not just switching to Gluten Free Bread. Though that is a realistic starting point for your journey. Ezekiel Bread or Be Free Wraps are awesome. I also enjoy toasting a sweet potato slice as my burger "bread" 2) Exercise 5x’s Each Week: Take the next 30 days to really focus your efforts in the studio. Pump that rocky music in your ride over. STAY FOCUSED and find an awesome reward for making 20 workouts in the month. . ​Of course pre and post workout snacks, post workout stretch, hydrate and epsom salt baths are the cherry on top BUT INCREASING ACTIVITY especially physical activity IS YOUR EXTRA EDGE TO WINNING THIS SUMMER 3) Go Sugar Free: HA HA!!! I know we have been talking a lot about this. THIS IS HALTING YOUR RESULTS!!! Not to mention it is crazy addicting. Do you know I recently was at a BBQ and I had brought orange slices and fun but clean snack balls...a young lady approached me as I placed them on the dessert table and told me she just knew I must eat healthy when she first met me earlier in the evening based on my skin and energy. BEST COMPLIMENT EVER. Cutting out the refined sugar has been a journey but sooo worth it. I love sharing favorite no refined treats and motivation (and there will be no shortage of this in my 6 Week Slimdown Program coming up YOU NEED TO JOIN US FOR IT. Soooo good - LIFE and WAIST CHANGING)​ 4) Enjoy FEEL GOOD FOODS ​So stay with me here...believe it or not veggies can become addicting IN A GOOD WAY. The more you eat them, the more your body will crave them!!! There are so many great options. Start with a few fresh veggies like baby organic peppers or organic sugar snap peas (i get them from walmart) AND CLICK HERE TO USE THIS COUPON FOR $20 off your order​ Make a dip of greek yogurt and seasoning, or mixing greek yogurt and salsa, OR enjoy some of the amazing hummus varieties just please check for added sugar ALSO more than likely you could use more protein especially at breakfast: lean low sodium no nitrate ham. muscle candi shakes, hard boiled egg whites with some everything bagel seasoning, and a special treat of some caulipower chicken nuggets 5) CHECK OUT MY 6 WEEK SLIMDOWN PROGRAM. Virtual Life Coaching : Step by Step Guide to bring on LONG TERM AND SOLID results, habits and life changing motivation ​Virtual health Coaching with amazing strategies, recipes, and guidance to fire up your metabolism to accelerate weight loss AS WELL as improve health. And of course Virtual and InStudio Workouts at our iCANdi FItStudio to tone up, increase energy and much more!!!! ​CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP & TEXT ME ASAP TO SAVE YOUR SPOT. IF YOU DO by Monday-you not only get an awesome PRE PROGRAM BOOSTER BUT GET AN ADDITIONAL $75 off!!!​ Remember, the next 30 days are going to fly by So, you’re going to spend the next 30 days simply getting older and more out-of-shape OR you could buckle down and finally make your amazing transformation. The choice is yours. I’m here to see you through it all. TEXT ME NOW and let’s get started! In Health, COACH STEVIE 856-500-1465
By Stevie Matteo 19 May, 2023
Healthy & Confident Summer Body YES YOU CAN!!!! It is never too late to get motivated and start adapting healthier habits. ANd if you have been MAKING the time to check out these awesome fit tips every week, you are doing something right...though have you begun to apply them. It is a certainly a journey AND A VERY WORTHWHILE ONE AT BEST. Healthy looks great on you and FEELS SO GOOD TO. AND there is nothing I love more than seeing a CANdis confidence and mood improve EVERY day they take another step in the journey. EVERY STEP ADDS UP. So where should you head first?? I have shared the secret: it is move more, eat cleaner and CHILL OUT. And while that expands a bit further, I have found that the BEST RESULTS COME from 3 more specific habits ONE: Hint, I told you all about it last week. AND this one requires you to do nothing. HA HA HA HA HA. I am right though. You no longer consumer that refined sugar. GAME CHANGER (even for me personally) it accelerates fat burning, lower body inflammation which resets your body and revs up your metabolic system AND it even cleared my skin And you will be amazed at how many amazing substitutions are out there that meet your sweet craving without the side effects and the addiction. ======================== #2 IS MOVE MORE. Let's go. AMP UP THAT EFFORT. Lifts some heavy stuff, HIIT training for cardio and find some fun activities to enjoy (june 4th we are doing goat yoga and june 18th we are doing beginners kayaking and hiking- you should join us) If you can comfortably hold a conversation, hardly break a sweat, or feel the same when it’s over as you did when it began, your SPINNING YOUR WHEELS IT DOES GET EASIER (and having a piece of fruit pre workout, in addition to hydrating will make it even better) AND WHY DO IT ALONE?? iCANdi makes it so much more fun AND EFFECTIVE. Dont forget you get FREE 10 DAYS OF UNLIMITED WORKOUTS (virtual and instudio) with our FREE 10 DAY Confident and Healthy Summer Body Boost​ (click here to take advantage!!!) ============== ​#3 CHILL OUT ​Stress is wreaking havoc on your body and derailing your weight loss goals. It is causing long term damage, insulin resistance, belly bloat and so much more. Take mini recharge breaks throughout the day. (10 in walk, a few min of breathing to nice music and focusing on gratitude, look up more breathing exercises. Best is listening to some guided meditation) Work on letting go of what you can not control. Magnesium (found in chocolate but better in supplement form- no sugar) can really help you feel calm, sleep better and help your gut health. Serotonin (supplement- htp5) is also fantastic to take at night to help with stress and sleep Always talk to your health care provider about what supplements you take especially if your taking medications ​AND GUESS WHAT eating cleaner helps, hydrating flushes the cortisol out (that is the stress hormone) AND working out helps build muscle which protect your estrogen too WHICH HELPS REDUCE CORTISOL ​It is all connected so its definitely time to get your system back on track. SO WHEN ARE YOU STARTING?? If you sign up for the 10 DAY BOOST TODAY, I can actually get you started on the free fitstudio boost NOW, you dont have to wait until Friday LETS DO THIS In Health COACH STEVIE (856) 500-1465 Eat More Protein = Burn More Fat Want even more fat loss? Studies continue to prove that diets high in protein encourage more fat loss than diets high in carbohydrates. Each of your snacks and meals should be built around a centerpiece of high quality, lean protein.
By Stevie Matteo 03 May, 2023
You know how it feels to wake up on Monday morning after a weekend of less-than-healthy eating… Your body is puffy and bloated. Your joints are achy. Your clothes feel tight. Maybe you are feeling that way right now. I’ve outlined the 5 steps below to HELP YOU PRESS RESTART AND START FEELING BETTER Step One: Get Focused. Your crazy weekend happened. You ate things from your “never eat these” list, you drank more that you should have, but now it’s over. Draw a line in the sand. The bad eating stops now. If you’re serious about your transformation, then this weekend was the exception, and not the rule. Maybe it was your birthday, or your friends and family were gathered for a celebration, and the peer pressure to partake in unhealthy food was too much for you to resist. Don’t beat yourself up for falling off the fitness wagon this once. Simply get back up, dust yourself off and get re-focused. Leave the past, and your slip-ups, in the past. Step Two: Get Hydrated!!!!!! While bad eating can take on many forms, the end result is most often dehydration and water retention. The only way to restore balance is to get hydrated. Your first priority in getting back on track is to drink plenty of water throughout your day. Start with a tall glass of water in the morning, and carry a water bottle with you. Don’t add artificial sweeteners or stimulants to your water – these will work against your hydration efforts. To add flavor, slice fresh fruit, herbs or vegetables to place in your water, just like at the spa. Step Three: Get Picky. For the next few days I need you to be extra picky about what you eat. Stick with only whole, real foods like fruits, vegetables and some lean meat. Whole, real foods will quickly help to restore balance. Don’t eat packaged foods for the next few days. This means saying no to snack foods, processed meat slices, dairy, baked goods and alcohol. You can enjoy fruit in moderation and even not refined sugar treats. Just get back to cleaner eating!!!! Try the recipe for roasted broccoli below – this is a wonderful, whole food dish. PLUS BROCCOLI is a super food great for your joints with all the rain we have been having and is even huge for managing the hormones!!! Did you know managing your hormones resets your metabolism??? Check out our LIFE AND WAISTCHANGING 38 Day Hormonal and Metabolic Reset by clicking here​ Step Four: Get Juicing. Making your own juice can be beneficial when recovering from a weekend of bad eating. The key is to use ingredients that will hydrate and nourish your body and to avoid ingredients that are high in sugar. These ingredients are fantastic for your recovery juice: fresh ginger, spinach, cucumber, kale, green apple, lemon, and celery. These ingredients should be used sparingly, due to high sugar content: carrots, oranges, red apples, & pineapple. However IF YOUR ALLERGIES ARE KICKING YOUR BODY a half of an orange or better yet a Vitamin C capsule will be a fantastic addition as it it a natural anti histamine Add a Vitamin D capsule too-with all this rain you are very depleted at this point Step Five: Get Moving. So you’ve put an end to the eating madness, you’ve hydrated, you've eaten only whole foods and you’ve enjoyed a recovery juice…it’s now time to sweat it out. Lace up your athletic shoes and put on your favorite CANdi gear. When you start your workout, ease in slowly. Take the time to warm up and stretch your muscles before powering up to a solid 30-minute exercise routine. We have just the exercise plan for you – one that will not only help you recover from your wild weekend, but will help keep you motivated and going strong in the future. If you haven’t joined yet, now is the perfect time to start. Together we will get you focused on your goals with my results-driven method. Simply call or email today to set up your first workout OR CLICK HERE FOR A FREE 7 DAY TRAIL​ In Health COACH STEVIE P.S> Eating plenty of vegetables will help you cleanse AND THESE RECIPE IS A GOOD ONE!!! Roasted broccoli and cauliflower is quick to make and tastes really good, add a little parm on top for some extra yum What you need Servings: 4 1 bunch broccoli 1 bunch cauliflower 1 Tablespoon olive oil dash of sea salt dash of pepper 4 garlic cloves, minced juice from 1 lemon Instructions 1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F. Lightly grease a large baking sheet with olive oil. 2. Wash the broccoli and cauliflower heads and then pat dry. It’s important to dry thoroughly so that it will roast properly. Cut into small florets. 3. In a medium bowl combine the florets, olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic cloves. Toss until well combined and then spread over the prepared baking sheet. 4. Roast for 25 minutes, stirring halfway through. Remove from oven once the florets are tender with crispy bottoms. 5. Drizzle the lemon juice over the cooked florets and serve immediately. Nutrition One serving equals: 160 calories, 4g fat, 98mg sodium, 8g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 4g protein
By websitebuilder 03 May, 2023
The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.
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